Hello Apple Farmers! Since listing on MXC, ApplePie(APLP)’s price has soared to $19.215.

Our team was very surprised and thankful for all of the overwhelming support from the community.
While congratulating the successful migration and listing, our team will continue to focus on product development. In addition, we will look closely at market prices while contacting with various exchanges around the world, and we will do our best to expand into the ecosystem APPLE Finance yearns to create.
Currently, ApplePie (APLP) tokens can be traded on MXC and Uniswap.
If you would like an additional swap of Apple Tokens and ApplePie Tokens, please keep an eye out for upcoming events.
Note: Currently, Apple to APLP swaps are suspended as the 10:1 ratio is not possible due to the recent price change. In addition, LP staking is also suspended to minimize volatility due to explosive supply increase.
As everyone knows, the existing DeFi market often ended up with a pump and dump scheme because of the unlimited (or close to unlimited) supply. We do not aspire to be such a project. We plan to open the mining function when at least two or three exchanges are contacted and listed. This will be a soft-landing mining to minimize price fluctuation.
To expand our farming community, we provided a risk-free mining pool (USDC/DAI UNI V2 LP), to This leads to a creation of wide range of practical use cases. Currently, Apple token Pool has over $100,000 in liquidity and there have been no rug pulls. We believe the Apple Finance ecosystem is healthy, and there is more to show in the future.

Decide for yourself whether you want to interact with various participants from around the world at Apple Finance’s Playground, or just play alone from a distance.